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May 24, 2023 02:47 pm

ClevGuard Support: Monitor Devices with Others' Permission.

Learning how to remotely access another computer over the Internet is something that might come in handy on various occasions. For instance, you can check what your employees are doing on their computers. Moreover, you can also use it to monitor your kids' activity on their PC so that you are sure that they don't access inappropriate content.

In fact, you can even remotely access another computer without permission. In this article, we will explain the five most effective ways with which you can learn how to remotely access another computer.

how to remotely access another computer

Way 1. Remotely Access Another Computer with MoniVisor

The first way that shows you how to remotely access another computer over the Internet is to use MoniVisor. This is the perfect tool to get real-time data on any computer you want to keep an eye on. MoniVisor gives you the chance to monitor all sorts of activity that takes place on the target device. The only thing you need to do is to install the app to the target device to start getting insights on the user's activity.


MoniVisor – Remotely Access Another Computer

  • It can spy on the user's social media conversations and attachments.
  • It can track the Internet activity and the download history of the user.
  • It can also spy on emails from all web-based platforms. 
  • It provides keystrokes recording.
  • It can get timestamps of the user's login activity
  • It takes automatic screenshots to capture the screen at predetermined times.

These are the steps to use MoniVisor to remotely access a computer without permission:

Way 2. Remotely Access Another Computer with Chrome Remote Desktop

If you want to find out how to remotely access another computer without permission, you must also know about Chrome Remote Desktop. This is a web-based tool that you can use on your computer to gain access to files and applications that are stored on a remote computer.

Here is how you can use this tool to remotely access another computer:

Way 3. Remotely Access Another Computer with Windows Remote Desktop

One more way that shows you how to remotely access another computer is to utilize Windows Remote Desktop. This method is very effective as you can access another PC over the Internet. However, we need to mention that there are some risks to it as the computer will be vulnerable to malware and other hacking apps. 

If you want to use this method to remotely access another computer, you must follow these steps:

Way 4. Remotely Access Another Computer with Team Viewer

One more way with which you can remotely access another computer is to use Team Viewer. The remote desktop app is a great way to monitor a computer remotely as it will directly display the user's desktop.

You should first download Team Viewer on the target computer before you actually use it. Moreover, you should be aware that when Team Viewer is running, the PC's user might be able to detect it as every change you make will be visible.

Here are the steps to remotely access another computer with Team Viewer:

Way 5. Remotely Access Another Computer's File with Office Online

The last method that shows you how to remotely access another computer without permission is to use the Office Online service. Keep in mind that with this method, you have the opportunity to check the files on another computer, rather than the active applications.

Here is how to remotely access another computer's file with Office:

In Conclusion

Now, you have learned how to remotely access another computer over the Internet in five different ways. The best and most effective way is to use ClevGuard's MoniVisor. This tool allows you to track all activity on the target computer while remaining undetected. Create your account today to find out what your employees or kids are up to.  


By Benjamin Hayes

An experienced writer and blogger, very passionate about writing and curious about latest tech trends.

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